Saturday, May 7, 2011

Rental Property, Who is managing your property?

The Florida building boom resulted in many first time investors becoming owners of rental property.  Many homes were purchased through investment clubs or infomercials offering huge profits with little to no money down.  While many investors realized unreal profits during this boom those that got in to late and didn't get out in time all of a sudden became landlords.  In some cases the property management contract was included with the purchase documents and many owners had no clue they had signed a contract for management of their properties.  We have been involved in the building and management of homes as a service provider since early in the boom. 

I am baffled that property owners do not take the time to research the company or the owners of their management company prior to turning over their large out of state investment in real estate.  As a service provider we have seen owners taken advantage of and screwed out of their money and while they may complain they don't seem to want to change how their property is managed.  I assume that since they do not have to reach into their pocket that they accept the lowering of their income by being required to pay excessive and hidden charges as it is subtracted from the rental income. 

The Internet is a great resource to find out information about companies and the owners of those companies.  I would suggest that owners of investment properties seeking property management use this resource to get as much information as possible prior to signing a contract for management.  I recommend not only searching the name of the company but the name of the owner.  While not everything on the Internet is completely accurate you can find the experiences that others might have had with the companies you are considering.  There are many consumer and rip off sites that will specifically provide a forum to communicate good and bad experiences with companies or people.

While past history is not always an indicator of current or future performance, it is a factor to determine if this is the right company to trust with your investment.  I have written previously regarding excessive and hidden charges and asking questions to help you make the right decision in choosing a property manager and I hope some day this information will prevent someone making a huge mistake.  I have worked for numerous property management companies in maintaining the properties you own and it was very difficult to balance our need for a source of income vs seeing owners treated with disrespect and being taken advantage of.  Many of the companies we have worked for do a good job and provide value for the service they offer.  I do not intend to represent that all management companies are bad but as in any profession there are those that you want to do business with and others you will want to stay far away from.

Take the time to do your homework and research your options.  Make sure you understand all of the ways in which companies will make money from your property.  There are no guarantees that you will find the perfect arrangement but your involvement in the beginning of the process and throughout will go along way to ensure your property provides a steady income and is protected in the long run.

We will soon be establishing a website to provide property owners with a resource to provide information and material to ensure your property is properly managed.  We currently have some information available at and you can always email me at  Subscribe to this blog or feel free to leave comments regarding your experience.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Little fish in the BF pond called the internet

I am working on a new website to provide information for homeowners and DIYers in completing maintenance and repair on their properties.  We hope to be able to provide some real information to help people not only take better care of their properties but save money doing it.  I knew very little about building a complicated website but I have struggled through to the point of having it up and running although the content is still being developed.  I began researching SEO (search engine optimization) to try to get our page atleast visable to the search engines to get traffic.  I have yet to find a search containing the keywords I built in to pull up anything about our site.  I do understand that it may take several weeks to have the search engines process our site.

I began to look at doing some advertising via pay per click and researched the key words associated with our site and the bidding price to be near the top.  Wow was I shocked at how much money it takes to be on the first page of Google or Yahoo.  If I spent approximately $20,000. per month I could be like number 2 or 3 on the list.  For this price it appears you will get traffic but of the 200 or so per day that might click on your ad how many might actually do something that might generate any revenue to offset the advertising costs. 

I dont know what my expectation was but I had no idea what kind of money was being spent on advertising to people directed to your site.  It is frustrating to try to do search for specific information and only see results that have little to do with what you are trying to find.  It doesnt seem to matter if they have the information you are searching for but what matters is how much they bid on the keyword you searched for.  I will not be writing checks of this size anytime soon and will keep plugging away here and there to try to get our information out there to atleast be found.

There seems to be less and less content and more and more sites just to collect advertising revenue.  There is not much I can do to change the rules of the game I just have to figure out some way to work around them.  I guess that I still just dont play well with others.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Florida Investment Property - Out of state buyers

If you are considering purchasing investment property in Florida and live out of state I can provide you a few things to consider in the process.  I have been contacted by investors after purchase of a property sight unseen and asked to provide estimates to return the property to the rental market.  I am amazed that someone could actually buy investment property with limited information and based on pictures provided by someone who may not be aware of the specific information regarding the property.  I do understand that at times the property may appear to be such a bargain that the deal is done without all of the information that is available.

I would highly recommend that you contact someone who is local to the area you are considering and someone who has knowledge of what additional factors should be considered prior to entering into a purchase contract.  Most realtors I have worked with do a really good job at providing all information but we are seeing more of the realtors from locations hours away who are handling properties for various agencies or banks.  I do not intend to knock the realtors but the fact is there is no way they can understand all of the factors of specific areas or neighborhoods outside of their home area.

In most cases you can easily find repair or maintenance companies that provide free estimates and they should also be able to provide you with some information regarding the specific location of the property.  There are so many properties available in the Florida market and especially in Sarasota, Charlotte and Lee Counties that very often you may have your choice of multiple properties with the location playing a larger role in your decision to purchase.  If the property is destined for the rental market the area or neighborhood will determine the rent potential of the property.  It is not uncommon for their to be $100. per month difference in areas within the same city depending on the location of the property.

More and more properties are being purchased by investors for rental income and certain areas seem to contain a larger percentage of rentals which in some cases has a direct connection to the condition of the area and the rent potential. 

As the purchaser you will have to determine your budget for the purchase of investment property but considering the potential for return and the renters that will be considering your property.  Having a local resource to assist in providing addtional information to guide you in purchasing investment property is extremely valuable and can often provide you with unbiased information that you may not normally have access to.

If you are considering purchasing property in Sarasota, Charlotte or Lee Counties in Florida we can assist you in providing you with specific detailed information concerning the area where the properties are located.  We have provided maintenance and repair services to property management companies and real estate agents for many years and our experience will assist you in your decision.  Feel free to contact us for additional information at 941-321-6710.